Write For Us
Blog post guidelines
-Submissions should have direct correlation to our mission statement - discussing issues and/or experiences related to the consistent life ethic or other feminist issues.
-Submissions must be written in a secular way. Faith and religion may be mentioned if relevant to the writer’s perspective, but ultimately should not be the main focus of the piece, or leave off with the conclusion that a higher power is the basis of the organizations convictions.
-Writer must identify as a feminist, as well as agree with FFNVC’s Consistent Life mission statement. We do this for consistency, not as a means of censorship.
-Blog posts will become property of FFNVC, giving us permission to publish your piece both online and off. If publishing elsewhere, credit is to be given to FFNVC as the original source.
Send us your:
-Written blog submission about consistent life/feminist topic
-Up to 3 photos to go with the post (optional)
-First and last name
-A short bio
-All relevant sources
Don't send us:
-The same piece multiple times
-An email without all of the information requested above
-A piece that hasn't been proofread for errors
-A submission that violates our guidelines
Your piece will be sent to our editor of Counter the Culture, where she will collaborate with you on any necessary edits via email. Three board members will need to approve the final submission before it is to be published. We reserve the right to not publish submissions we find inappropriate or otherwise unfitting to the mission of FFNVC.
In the body of your email add a short description of what is attached. Please send pieces in either the body of your email or as a document. Submissions may be sent to: ffnvcoffice@gmail.com